Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Retiring Party

I want to wish my sister Judy congratlations. She is retiring from teaching. She had taught at Dodson Branch in Jackson Co. for 35 years. They had her a retiring party last night. We enjoyed it so much and are thankful that we got to be a part of it. Was so proud of all that she had did in her career as a teacher. She will really be missed. She was always there and ready to do whatever needed to be done. She was really sad to end her teaching career but the time had come and she is ready to embark on another chapter of her life. She will have more time to spend with her family and grandkids and she is fixing to have another grandbaby so I guess she will get to spend lots of time with it. I know she will really miss teaching but after 35 years I guess I would to. I know her school will really miss her. They had so many good things to say about her. We could tell how much they all thought of her and the kids all had good things to say. So Judy enjoy it and I hope you and Paul don't wear those rocking chairs out. I know I don't tell you enough but I really love you and I am glad you are my sister.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Gracyn spent the week-end at my house and of courseI loved having her.She had to do some cooking and tasting and she had to have her lunch outside on the porch. We had a great week-end.

Noah's Ark Pre-k Graduation (Class of 2023)

On Thursday night May 13th Ella Kate had her pre-k Graduation. It is so hard for me to belive she is getting ready to start Kindergarten. These 5 years have went so fast. She did such a wonderful job on all her songs and poems. She had a big smile on her little face the whole time. She was so excited she couldn't be still.. She has enjoyed this year so so much and has learned more than I thought she would. The teachers have done an excellent job with these little kids. It is just so hard for me to know she is growing up much faster than I want her to. Sometimes I just wish time would stand still for a little while, but of course we want them to grow up to be happy and healthy and that means as parents and grandparents we have to let them go, even though it is so hard to do. I know in life she is going to find out things is not always like she wants them to be. I just hope and pray she will be the kind of person who can accept things as they come. I thank GOD every day that I can be a big part of her life and watch her grow up to be the best she can be. Ella Kate I love you very very much. My wish for you is that you can go far in life and always keep that pretty smile on your face.

Noah's Ark Play

These little girls put on a play at day care and pre-k on May 6th.I was amazed at how good all the children did. These girls did such a wonderful job on all their songs.. I loved watching them. I was afraid seeing all the people that Addie and Ava would not do their parts but they did and did them so good. Girls Nana is so proud of you.

Easter Time

Another Easter has come and gone. The girls really enjoyed spending the day at my house, having an egg hunt and just getting to spend time with each other and enjoying the day playing together.

Birthday girl

I have been really lazy, but I'm going to try get back on board and not get behind again and maybe get caught up. Seems like it is such a busy time and I have so much going on right now that it is hard to get everything done. Seems like everything has happened at once. Ella Kate has had another birthday. I just can't belive my little angle has turned 5 years old on March 17th. Seems like only yeasterday we were at the hospital waiting for her to come into this world. When she arrived my heart just melted at the sight of her.I have not been the same since.There is just something about being a Nana that only other grandmas will know what I mean. Ella Kate is such a joy to be around.She is always loving and wanting to please and she is such a great big sister. Of course she has her moments but overall she is one very caring, beautiful , sweet little girl and I am so proud to be her Nana.She enjoyed her party at the Bounce Zone with all her family and friends. I love you my little princess.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fun In The Snow

Love the snow. This is the first real snow my grandkids have got to play in. We had a good 2 days of playing. We built snowmen and then would tear them down and start again. We got to do a lot of snow sledding. My sister and my niece came up and we had a good time just enjoying being out in the snow. The kids loved being able to to the sledding . I just didn't like walking up the hills, I thought at first it would be a piece of cake coming up but after 3 or 4 times I changed my mind. But I enjoyed it just the same even though I had sore muscles I didn't even know I had.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Winter Wonderland 2010

What a wonderful surprise this morning waking up to this beautiful sight. This snow is just beautiful.This is the most snow we have had in about 6 years. I do love the snow, But if I had to get out and drive in it I would probably not say that. I love just setting and looking out the windows at it. Would have got out and did some snow sledding but the kids were not here. Maybe tomorrow. So for now I will just enjoy the sight from my windows.