Monday, January 24, 2011

Sweet little girls

We had a snow day today and I was lucky I got to keep my two little precious girls. They are so much fun to be with. They can do and say some of the funniest things. Today I told Ava the ups truck went down the road and she said what is a uppee truck. They love to be busy playing or getting into something all the time. Today it was rubber bands. At one time I think Ava had at least 15 on her arms and legs. Addie was busy with pencils and pens. They discovered my desk drawer and that is where they spent a lot of time in it today. Addie wanted to type on the computer so she wrote my neice Kendall a message on facebook. Hope Kendall can read it. After I gave them their baths Ava was so tired she went to set in Jerry's lap and went right to sleep. We sure did have a good time. I love getting to spend time with them.

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